The Dragons Den

Beltech 2023

A Dragons Den Pitching Contest

On the 8th March 2023, my cofounder and I stood on a stage in-front of about 150 people to pitch our startup idea to 3 Dragons. We had one minute. We were nervous. We won £5K. Our pitch went like this:

Imagine this - it’s been a long day, you’re starving, and you just want a quick sandwich from Tesco. But just as you’re about to walk in, you’re met with security searches, personal questions, and a contract. It’s confusing and frustrating, right? With over a decade of engineering experience between us, we’ve found developing AI systems to be similarly challenging - and it doesn’t need to be like this!

This is why we began working on our proof-of-concept, Dhali, which has been in development for around 4 months by me, Dave, and my co-founder Robbie.

Dhali revolutionises the way in which we buy and sell AI. Blockchain enabled, Dhali is an open, peer-to-peer AI marketplace, allowing anyone to quickly and easily access the AI they need, when they need it.

We’re now bringing our proof-of-concept to the next stage, and are looking to get some users for early testing and feedback. If you’d like to help us out, please scan our QR code!

David Simmons
Engineer and researcher

My main interests are mathematics, machine learning, and communications theory